Monday, May 10, 2010

An Eclectican Mother's Day; 2010

Happy Mother's Day, Everyone!!!

Welcome one and all! There's little preamble needed for this episode, other than that I hope you enjoy this little musical tribute to mothers of all shapes, types, sorts & sizes (and hopefully that you do so with your mother. :)) There is some blues and a mother-daughter song put in here to send a "hello" out to my own mother, but there are also songs about Mother Earth and other types of mothers, as every mama is special. ^_^ May all of you have a splendid Mother's Day, and a big "thank you" to all the mothers out there, as well as all the fantastic people (male & female) who've done their own shares (if not moreso) of mothering in my life. :)

I Love you, Mom.

Yours Forever in Song,
DJ Selchie

Track List

Product Details

HUGE props go out to The Podsafe Music Network, for supplying all but 2 songs on this show, and thanks also go to Kiva and Celtic MP3s Music Magazine, for supplying the rest of the songs which helped make this show what it is.

Lastly, I wanted to honour mothers who have gone past, using an amazing poem I found on Oona McOuat's home page. For me, this piece not only honours my mother (as well as others I look up to) but also all of the sweet, strong, amazing & invaluable people who've helped shape me into being who I am; and who, in one way or another, have been mothers in my life. (Be they spiritual, familial, social, or otherwise.)

Here's to the strong ladies; the role models past, present, and future! (Even if it's to be a matter of Self someday. ;)) From Mother Earth to the ants that traverse Her, thanks be to the Divine Feminine in all her Forms. ^_^

by Siuox Patullo
(From We'Moon 05, Mother Tongue Ink)

It's hard to find the path now.
Because I was following her.
I was following her ways without knowing
And now she is gone…
Gone, with all her wisdom…
No longer up ahead.
No more silver streams of healing things she said.
She can't tell me again.
I have listened for the last time.
Now I have to own it.
Now I have to know it.
Now I have to carry, and pass it on.
Remember it.
Look after it.
She can't tell me again.
It's hard to find the path now…
But I must search amongst the roots.
Because I know that…
I can sense that…
Someone is following me.
Waiting for her wisdom.

♥ ♥ ♥

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